What is useRef in react and how to use it correctly

What is useRef in react and how to use it correctly

useRef is a React hook that allows you to obtain a reference to the underlying DOM object associated with a React component. It is particularly useful when you need to make direct changes to the DOM object without relying on other React primitives.

Table of content

  1. When refs are needed

  2. Some of the valid use cases where useRef is acceptable

    1. Using third party libraries that don't play well with React
    2. Dealing with setTimeout and setInterval
    3. Creating variable that should not re-render the component when changes
    4. Accessibility Focus Management
  3. How to use useRef in React

    1. Step 1: Use the hook
    2. Step 2: Assign the hook to the DOM
    3. Step 3: Use the reference
  4. Some examples

  5. Conclusion

When refs are needed

In most normal components you do not need a ref. Ideally usage of this hook should be avoided as much as possible as it makes the code harder to understand and changes to dom a bit more bug prone. But there might be some valid cases where this is needed. When you make changes to DOM using a ref, it bypasses the virtual DOM of react.

Some of the valid use cases where useRef is acceptable

Using third party libraries that don't play well with React

There are many useful libraries such as D3.js which you might want to use but they don't play well with react ecosystem. In such cases it might be sensible to use them to manipulate the DOM directly. It is a valid case but you should always remember that when these libraries make changes to the DOM, those changes will not be accessible to React's virtual DOM.

Some of the scenarios where such usage is normal is when you want to display charts, graphs drawn on an Canvas element.

Dealing with setTimeout and setInterval

If you are relying on these two methods in javascript you might want to use a useRef to cancel the setIntervals setTimeout invocations.

Creating variable that should not re-render the component when changes

You can use useRef to store a value that doesn't trigger re-renders when it changes, which is useful for some use cases like persisting data between renders.

const countRef = useRef(0);

// Updating the value without causing a re-render
countRef.current = 10;

Accessibility Focus Management

References is a common way to manage focus when you want to programmatically control where the keyboard focus should be even after the elment is re-renderd.

How to use useRef in React

Step 1: Use the hook

import { useRef } from 'react';
const myRef = useRef();

You can also provide an initial valye to the useRef hook.

Step 2: Assign the hook to the DOM

<div ref={myRef}></div>

Step 3: Use the reference


Some examples

Using react with form elements

import React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';

function MyComponent() {
const inputRef = useRef();

useEffect(() => {
// Focus the input element when the component mounts
}, []);

return (
<input ref={inputRef} />

export default MyComponent;


Avoid using useRef, but when you must use it, please make sure the use case is valid and there is no native react pattern to achieve what you are trying to achieve.

Please refer to the official documentation here.